Why Consider Precast Concrete for New Construction?
Posted on:
20 June 2016
Precast concrete refers to concrete walls, floors, and other building sections that are made in a factory or production facility and then shipped to a construction site for assembly. They can be cut and molded to fit certain shapes or tilted up as panels and put into place as walls. If you're a contractor and you are looking for a good choice of building materials and processes you can offer to your customers, note a few reasons why precast concrete can work well for you and for them.
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How to Achieve Special Effects with Concrete Stains
Posted on:
15 June 2016
If you are like most homeowners, gray, rough, and boring are the things that come to mind when you think of concrete. However, concrete is one of the popular materials used today, not only in driveways and garages, but also for interior flooring and countertops. Concrete stains have made it possible to add color to concrete for aesthetics, strength, and durability. With a little creativity, you can use stains together with decorative techniques to create special effects and patterns on the interior and exterior concrete floors.
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Why you should seek GPR scanning services before embarking on concrete drilling
Posted on:
14 June 2016
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) scanning is a technology that allows contractors to scan and detect what lies beneath the subsurface of concrete walls or floors. For contractors planning to drill through concrete structures, seeking GPR scanning is essentially a valuable pre-requisite step. Here are four reasons why.
Identify voids and cracks
Before you can start drilling or sawing on any concrete surface, you should establish whether there's any cavities or cracks within the construction.
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Tips to Minimizing Regular Asphalt Repairs
Posted on:
10 June 2016
Asphalt is one of the durable materials you could consider for your home's driveway. However, this does not mean that asphalt driveways are not immune to succumbing to wear and tear. The necessary maintenance measures would result in a decrease in paving problems. This then would reduce the number of asphalt repairs you would require. Neglecting this material, especially during the months of extreme weather changes, could lead to your driveway deteriorating at a fast pace.
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